The Power of Eyes and Subject Placing in the Poem by Joko Pinurbo

  • Ahmad Zamzuri Balai Bahasa Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Keywords: subject, power, discourse, poetry, transcenden, eyes


The problem of this research is the power and subject of the poem written by Joko Pinurbo in the anthology of Malam Ini Aku Ingin Tidur di Matamu, published by Grasindo, in 2017. The data of the research is “Kepada Mata”, “Kepada Hellen Keller”, “Dokter Mata”, and “Kacamata”. This study aims to determine the production of power and subject positioning, as well as the reason why the eyes become the source of subject positioning through Foucault perspective. By reading the data, It can be understood each word, line, and verse, and related to the concept of Foucaludian. Furthermore, the eye discourse understanding will be related to power production until the subject positioning is formed. The results of the study shows the presence of the subject in discourse, namely saya, (Eng)Kau, (a)ku, Tuan, Dokter Mata, (ka)mu, and Ia. The existence of the eyes also presents a subject that is subjected by discourse, namely saya as a discourse reader. Subject and eyes relations indicate the acknowledgment of the transcendent, or the great one attributed to your subject (Eng), (ka), and Ia. The eyes present an acknowledgment the subject, saya, to the power of the subject, Ia, as something great. The eyes can be as the subject because the eyes become a part of the body that is able to observe and master the subject/object so that it can control everything that is seen.


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Author Biography

Ahmad Zamzuri, Balai Bahasa Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Balai Bahasa Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Jalan I Dewa Nyoman Oka 34, Yogyakarta 55224

Telepon (0274) 562070, Faksimile (0274) 580667



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How to Cite
Zamzuri, A. (2018). The Power of Eyes and Subject Placing in the Poem by Joko Pinurbo. Gramatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasaan Dan Kesastraan, 6(2), 169-179.