The Expression of Meaning in the Poem“Bila Tomanurung Balik ke Langit” by Husni Djamaluddin

Semiotic Approach

  • Herianah Herianah Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan dan Sulawesi Barat
Keywords: poetry, icon, index, symbol, heuristic, hermeneutic


This poetry tells about “Bila Tomanurung Balik ke Langit” to understand this poetry semiotic approach is used. Method used is descriptive qualitative research, a research describes its object as it should be. Data collecting of the research uses inventory, reading-observing,and noting technique. Technique of analyzing data used in this research is content analysis which includes identification, classification, analysis, interpretation, description, and confirmation. Results found in this research are description of icon, index, and symbol in poetry. Then, the researcher reads poetry heuristically and hermeneutically. Finally, the researcher finds the theme and relevance of the theme of the poem. The relevance of the theme of the poem with the culture in South Sulawesi is the myth of the Buginese community and public religiosity and relationship with the myths.


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Author Biography

Herianah Herianah, Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan dan Sulawesi Barat

Jalan Sultan Alauddin Km 7 /Tala Salapang Makassar

0411 882401/Faksimile 0411 882403


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How to Cite
Herianah, H. (2013). The Expression of Meaning in the Poem“Bila Tomanurung Balik ke Langit” by Husni Djamaluddin. Gramatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasaan Dan Kesastraan, 1(2), 113-124.