Through the adventures of a child as the main character, the novel Mata di Tanah Melus by Okky Madasari seeks to explore the reality of the life of the Melus nation—one of tribes in East Nusa Tenggara—which is isolated, attached to magical things, and rich in the mythology of traditional Indonesian society. In this regard, this study aims to describe the characteristics of magical realism in the novel Mata di Tanah Melus. The data source of this research is the novel Mata di Tanah Melus by Okky Madasari. This study uses qualitative methods to collect, filter, and analyze data. This study uses Wendy B. Faris's magical realism theory approach as an analytical tool. The results showed that the level of magical realism in the novel Mata di Tanah Melus was quite strong with five elements of magical realism in it, they are (1) irreducible element; (2) phenomenal world; (3) unsetting doubts; (4) merging realism; and (5) disruption of time and space. Based on the analysis of the five elements of magical realism, it is known that the narrative of magical realism in Mata di Tanah Melus by Okky Madasari shows a tendency towards local myths in Indonesia, especially regarding the Melus tribe developed in East Nusa Tenggara. This tendency is in accordance with the character of magical realism in Indonesia which is identical to religion/belief in ancestors, Sufism, history, and folklore.
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