A Study of Ecofeminism
Nature is inseparable from the nature of myth. As a myth, nature is believed to be a manifestation of supernatural beings. The theme of the myth of nature is then written in the form of literature. Among them is the Anthology of Stories "The Story of Boki Dehegila". This anthology contains various stories about women's relations and natural myths. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to reveal the relationship between female characters and natural myths in the anthology "Kisah Boki Dehegila". The method used is ecofeminism with qualitative descriptive analysis. Research data in the form of textual data. The analysis technique uses Rifaterre's semiotics, namely heuristic and hermeneutic reading. The results showed that the relationship between women and natural myths in the "Anthology of the Boki Dehegila Story" were "Fat Finakoa", "The Story of Boki Dehegila", "Batu Belah", "Marijuanga", and "The Origin of Telaga Biru", and "The Origin of the Origin of Blue Water". Mount Dukono". The female characters who manifest with nature in spritism are the characters of Finagonli, Mother, Gadis and Majojaru. Meanwhile, hierophically, the characters are Boki Dei and Grandma Tolori. These characters manifest through the elements of “stone”, “water”, and “earth”. The female characters manifest with natural elements caused by psychological violence.
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