The Concept and Cultural Value of Java in Novel Jalan Menikung by Umar Kayam

  • Uman Rejo STKIP Bina Insan Mandiri
Keywords: javanese culture, reality, javanese, jalan menikung, umar kayam


Literary works are created to be enjoyed, understood, and utilized by society. The development of literary works has always been associated with humans and their lives. This paper aims to describe the concepts of Javanese culture in the novel of Jalan Menikung by Umar Kayam and the relationship of reality in society with life in the novel of Jalan Menikung. The method used is descriptive method of analysis. This method is used to describe by providing sufficient understanding and explanation with respect to empirical facts relating to the problems proposed in this paper. Some of the concepts of Javanese culture in this novel include feudalistic attitudes, religious attitudes, kerumangsan, aja dumeh owned by the Javanese, the attitude of tepa slira and introspection, as well as its relation to the relatives depicted clearly and vividly by Umar Kayam through the character and conversation of each Figures in it. It is a form of embodiment of Umar Kayam's life which is thick with aspects of Javanese culture, so he knows very well how the life of the Javanese, his philosophy is already fundamental in him. Philosophy is functioned as a guide of life, the key to self-control, and as a foundation in social interaction.


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Author Biography

Uman Rejo, STKIP Bina Insan Mandiri

Jalan Raya Menganti Kramat No. 133 Wiyung Surabaya


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How to Cite
Rejo, U. (2017). The Concept and Cultural Value of Java in Novel Jalan Menikung by Umar Kayam. Gramatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasaan Dan Kesastraan, 5(1), 27-36.